Cost/Benefit Analysis Online Tool

Scanner Cost (Upfront)

The expected cost to purchase scanning equipment. Includes the cost of the scanner itself as well as any accessories such as a carrying case or tripod. Does not include any technology costs such as computing equipment.

Scanner Lifetime

How many years the scanner is expected to last.

Scanner Infrastructure Cost (Upfront)

Any upfront technological costs that go along with purchasing a scanner. This would include items such as a computer for processing scan data and new, secure servers to store scan data.

Technology Infrastructure Cost (Annual)

Annual maintenance costs for any technological infrastructure in place to store scan data. An example would be the costs of running servers for the year.

Technology Training Cost (Upfront)

Upfront costs to train investigators on the use of scanning technology. This includes the cost of the training session, travel, lodging, and pay for investigators during the training.

Number of Investigators

The number of investigators needed to fully investigate a crime scene using a scanner.

Investigator Pay (Per Hour)

How much investigators are paid per hour.

Number of Patrol Officers

The number of patrol officers needed to guard a crime scene while it is under investigation. This includes time spent guarding when investigators are not currently at the scene.

Patrol Officer Pay (Per Hour)

How much patrol officers are paid per hour.

Value of Scan Data

How much time investigators would be willing to invest in order to collect the same amount of data as a scanner, using traditional investigation methods. In other words, how much investigation time is scan data worth. This is also known as the Information Value.

Homicides Per Year

How many homicides occur per year, on average. Only count homicides where the scanner would be used. Calculation caps homicides per year at 365 (one investigation using the scanner per day).

Accidents Per Year

How many auto accidents occur per year, on average. Only count auto accidents where the scanner would be used. Depending on the scanner model, outdoor or nighttime accidents might not be conducive to scanning. Calculation caps auto accidents per year at 365 (one investigation using the scanner per day).

Appropriate Collision Probability

Percentage of accidents that necessitate the use of a scanner. Viable accident types include collisions with another vehicle; collisions with a pedestrian; collisions with a bicycle; collisions with a motor vehicle in transport; and collisions with a train.

Good Weather Probability

Percentage of accidents that occur in non-inclement weather. Scanning cannot be performed in rain, snow, or other bad weather conditions. Additionally, some scanner models cannot scan in direct sunlight so must only be used indoors or at night.



Annual Net Benefits

Annual Benefits vs. Costs

Specific Savings

Amortized Initial Costs (over scanner lifetime)

Copyright Virtual Environments Group, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison.